Workshops of the Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative at Princeton University (2017), Boston University (2018), and Brandeis University (2024).
The Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative is dedicated to advancing research and education in the history and theory of architecture. Aggregate generates, workshops, presents, and publishes innovative scholarship from multidisciplinary perspectives. Aggregate is particularly interested in work that foregrounds the multiple ways in which one can understand architecture’s relationship to the world.
Since 2006, Aggregate has held annual or semi-annual workshops and symposia.
In 2012, Aggregate’s collected volume Governing by Design: Architecture, Economy, and Politics in the Twentieth Century was published by the University of Pittsburgh Press. In 2015 and 2016 we published the edited volumes Black Lives Matter and The Destruction of Cultural Heritage: From Napoléon to ISIS online. In 2021 and 2022 two new Aggregate books were published: Writing Architectural History: Evidence and Narrative in the Twenty-First Century, by the University of Pittsburgh Press and Architecture in Development: Systems and the Emergence of the Global South , by Routledge.
A board of directors funds and manages Aggregate. But we consider Aggregate to be everyone who has ever engaged in an Aggregate project as an organizer, collaborator, contributor, author, reviewer, or discussant. We incorporated in 2012 and are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in New York State.
Daniel M. Abramson, Anthony Acciavatti, Lucia Allais, Viviana d’Auria, Melanie Ball, Shiben Banerji, Daniel Barber, Ross Barrett, Doron Bauer, Jessica Bell, Lisa Beyeler-Yvarra, Seçil Binboga, Ibiayi Briggs, Irene Brisson, Amy Brodeur, Cammy Brothers, Adrienne Brown, Ultan Byrne, Gülru Çakmak, Bruno Carvalho, Erik Carver, Jill H. Casid, Zeynep Çelik Alexander, Yichuan Chen, Arianne Chernock, Julia Christensen, Iván-Nicholas Cisneros-Rangal, Joseph Clarke, Charles L. Davis II, Maur Dessauvage, Pawan Dhingra, Arindam Dutta, Edward Eigen, Burak Erdim, Jesús Escobar, Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Fishman, Justin Fowler, Alice Friedman, Antonio Furgiuele, Dante Furioso, Lucia Galaretto, Ee Bee Gan,Rania Ghosn, Brian Goldstein, Michael Golec, Jia Yi Gu, Muna Güvenç, Sharon Haar, Lisa Haber-Thomson, Orit Halpern, John Harwood, Frances Hasso, Sarah Hearne, Martin Hershenzon, Andrew Herscher, Hilde Heynen, Michael Ann Holley, Matthew C. Hunter, Timothy Hyde, Alison Isenberg, Janna Israel, Lauren Jacobi, Ruo Jia, Matthew L. Jones, Konstantina Kalfa, Pujan Karambeigi, Farhan Karim, Pamela Karimi, Sean Keller, Hollyamber Kennedy, Ateya Khorakiwala, Shelby Kendrick, Joy Knoblauch, Roy Kozlovsky, Michael Kubo, Matthew Lasner, Jesse LeCavalier, Rachel Lee, Ana María León Crespo, Ayala Levin, Robert Levit, Mary Lou Lobsinger, Sebastiaan Loosen, Albert José-Antonio López, Sarah Lynn Lopez, Fabiola López-Durán, Alexander Luckmann, Reinhold Martin, Diana Martinez, Alexandra Masgras, Jonathan Massey, Francesco Maranelli, Diana Martinez, John J. May, Adi Meyerovitch, Krista Mileva-Frank, Peter Minosh, Daniel B. Monk, Nikki Moore, Keith Moxey, Michelle Murphy, M. Ijlal Muzaffar, Albert Narath, Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Ginger Nolan, Bryan Norwood, Michael Osman, Todd Palmer, Melany Sun-Min Park, Petros Phokaides, Hannah Pivo, Emmanuel Pratt, Panayiota Pyla, Mark Rakatansky, Daria Ricchi, Elihu Rubin, Michelangelo Sabatino, Cecilia Resende Santos, Beril Sarisakal Erkent, Felicity D. Scott, Laila Seewang, Javairia Shahid, Aaron Shkuda, Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió, Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, Maxwell Smith-Holmes, Lori Smithey, Richard M. Sommer, Lukasz Stanek, Sara Stevens, Elliott Sturtevant, Bryan Stringer, McKenzie Stupica, Yichang Sun, Zhijian Sun, Jordan Suter, Meredith TenHoor, Pamudu Tennakoon, Amy Thomas, Katherine Thomson-Jones, Olga Touloumi, Anna Vallye, Kathy Velikov, Alla Vronskaya, Benjamin Weisgall, Mechtild Widrich, Cary Wolfe, Claire Zimmerman
Bolded names include current and former board members.
Current Board of Directors
Daniel M. Abramson (Boston University)
Charles L. Davis II (University of Texas, Austin)
Edward Eigen (Harvard University)
Timothy Hyde (MIT)
Lauren Jacobi (MIT)
Pamela Karimi (Cornell)
Hollyamber Kennedy (Northwestern)
Ateya Khorakiwala (Columbia University), Co-Treasurer
Ayala Levin (UCLA)
M. Ijlal Muzaffar (RISD), Chair
Michael Osman (UCLA)
Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió (UCSD)
Laila Seewang (Portland State University), Co-Treasurer
Elliott Sturtevant (FIU), Co-Editor, Managing Editor
Meredith TenHoor (Pratt Institute), Co-Editor
Copy Editing
Linda Walsh, Maureen Bemko, Andrew Goodhouse
Special Thanks
Dianne Harris, Krister Holmes, Peter Kracht, Jacob Moore, Julian Serna, Jonathan D. Solomon, Gwendolyn Wright