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Aggregate – Announcements


  1. Call for Abstracts: "Female Agency in Practice: Strategies, Tactics and Maneuvers"
    SAH 78th Annual International Conference

    SAH 78th Annual International Conference

    Atlanta, Georgia | April 30–May 4, 2025
    Session Chairs: Cathelijne Nuijsink (ETH Zurich) and Frida Grahn (USI Lugano/Mendrisio)

    "Female Agency in Practi...Read more

  2. CFP: Special Issue on "Architectures of Informal Empire"
    Architectural Theory Review

    Special Issue Editors:

    Yasmina El Chami, University of Sheffield (

    Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (

    ...Read more

  3. Unsettling Land: A Launch & Anniversary Event
    Buell Center, Columbia University

    The Buell Center invites you to an afternoon celebrating the culmination of three interrelated timelines: a book launch c...Read more

  4. Call for Papers: "Forging 'Crossed Histories' of Twentieth-Century Architecture and Urban Design"
    EAHN 2024 Athens, Greece

    Session Chairs: Cathelijne Nuijsink, MIT and Tom Avermaete, ETH Zürich

    At long last, historians of architecture recognize the numerous flaws of Euro–American-centered histories of architecture and urban design, which for centuries h...Read more

  5. Thresholds 52: Disappearance
    MIT Department of Architecture

    Edited by Samuel Dubois and Susan Williams

    Some disappearances are pointedly more conspicuous ...Read more

  6. Decolonizing Regionalism
    Perloff Hall, University of California, Los Angeles

    New Spain, 1779

    Decolonizi...Read more

  7. Call for Papers: Special Issue on "The Architecture Exhibition Operating as a Cross-Cultural Contact Zone"
    Architecture and Culture vol. 12, no. 1

    Special Issue Editors:

    Cathelijne Nuijsink, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), De...Read more

  8. Call for Papers for a Special Issue on "The Architecture of Global Governance"
    Architectural Theory Review 27, no. 1

    Special Issue Editors:
    Dennis Pohl, TU Delft / KIT Karslruhe:
    Sven Sterken, KU Leuven:

    Manuscript deadline: 30 September 2022

    The Architecture of Global G...Read more

  9. Call for Submissions: POOL Issue No. 7: Float
    UCLA Architecture and Urban Design

    To float is to be still. To float is to displace. To float is to decontextualize. To float is to voyage. To float is to survive. To float is to escape. To float is to relinquish a desire. To float is to exist apart from, to be outside of. To float is t...Read more

  10. CFP for a Special Issue on "Cities"
    Journal18: a journal of eighteenth-century art and culture

    Issue Editors:
    Katie Scott, Courtauld Institute of Art
    Richard Wittman, University of California, Santa Barbara

    Deadline for proposals: March 15, 2022.

    #15 Cities (Spring 2023)
    ...Read more

  11. Call for Papers: "Cosmopolitanism's Others: Forgotten Histories of Transnational Architectural Practice"
    Special Issue, Architectural Theory Review

    Edited by Eunice Seng (University of Hong Kong) and Jiat-Hwee Chang (National University of Singapore)

    Call for Papers

    Of late, much has been written about transnational networks of architectural practice and...Read more

  12. Call for Papers: "Terms and Conditions: Financialized Space"
    Special Issue, Architectural Theory Review

    Edited by Maren Koehler, University of Sydney, and Jasper Ludewig, University of Newcastle

    Call for Papers

    Debt is cheap during a global recession. As economies continue to respond to the shock of 2020, the...Read more

  13. Celebrating Recent Work by Reinhold Martin
    The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University

    Virtual Event.
    Friday, May 14, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

    Free and open to the public.
    Read more

  14. Architectural Training and Research in the Foreign Aid-Funded Knowledge Economy, 1950s-1980s
    KTH School of Architecture, Stockholm
    09.09.21 – 09.10.21

    Submission deadline: 1 April 2021.

    From the 1950s to the late 1980s, the politics and economies of ...Read more

  15. Call for Submissions: POOL
    UCLA Architecture and Urban Design

    POOL invites you to examine the plant with an eye towards all of or any of its associated terminology: farmer, laborer, migrant, worker,...Read more

  16. Charles Davis II presents "Black Material Culture in the Round"
    MIT School of Architecture + Planning

    October 22, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. via webcast.

    This talk analyzes the racial politics that subtended the Museum...Read more

  17. Rethinking Concrete: Material Conventions in the Anthropocene
    Princeton University School of Architecture
    10.22.20 – 10.23.20

    Organized by Forrest Meggers and Lucia Allais

    Read more

  18. Radical Alternatives: Temporal and Spatial Mediations in Contemporary Iranian Art
    The Courtauld Institute of Art

    Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.

    This is a live online event. Registration required.
    Read more

  19. Building Solidarities: Racial Justice in the Built Environment

    Buildings Solidarities event series flyer

    Building Solidarities is a form of mutual pedagogy between the campus and the p...Read more

  20. The Lab in Twentieth Century Art and Architecture
    New York Times Tower, 38th floor, 242 West 41st Street, New York
    05.26.20 – 05.27.20

    Colloquium organized by the University of Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, 26–27 May 2020, New York

    Keynote by Jorge Otero-Pailos (Columbia Univer...Read more

  21. Decolonizing Architectural Pasts and Futures
    American Indian Center, 3401 West Ainslie Street, Chicago

    Saturday, October 19, 2019, 2:00 to 5:30 p.m.
    American Indian Center, Chicago, Read more

  22. Architecture History Now
    Art + Architecture Building, University of Michigan

    This workshop event brings together representatives from the Aggregate Architectural Hi...Read more

  23. Emotional Escapes: Affective Sites and Spaces of Cultural Resistance in Tehran
    Room 322, Rudolph Hall, Yale University

  24. Tom Dioro talks to Michael Osman
    The Modern Architect Radio Show + Podcast

    In Season 3: Episode 36 of The Modern Architect Radio Show + Podcast host Tom Dioro talks to Michael Osman, Chair of Aggregate, and Associate Professor and t...Read more

  25. Paul Rudolph: Playing the Campus
    UMass Darthmouth College of Visual and Performing Arts
    04.16.18 – 04.28.18

  26. Evidence and Narrative in Architectural History: An Interdisciplinary Seminar
    Boston University, Photonics Building, Room 203, 8 St. Mary's Street, Boston

    How does architectural history's use of evidence and narrative relate to other fields in the humanities, arts, sciences, social sciences, and professions? How specifically do architectural historians choose evidence to make arguments and develop struc...Read more

  27. FAAC Your Syllabus!
    Parsons School of Design, New York
    – 03.09.18

    Feminist Pedagogy Workshop

    April 21–22, 2018 at Parsons School of Design, New York

    Part of the exhibition Now What?! Advocacy, Acti...Read more

  28. CALL FOR PAPERS: Graduate Student Conference, "Town & Country: Architecture Between Dichotomies"
    Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University
    – 01.14.17

    Date: May 4–5, 2018
    Keynote Speaker: To be announced
    Organizer: Ph.D. Program in Architecture, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University

    The bourgeoisie h...Read more

  29. Black Spaces Matter: Exploring the Aesthetics and Architectonics of an Abolitionist Neighborhood
    McCormick Gallery, Boston Architectural College, 320 Newbury Street, Boston
    11.19.17 – 01.29.18

  30. Special Issue: Boundaries, Flows, and the Construction of Muslim Selves through Architecture
    International Journal of Islamic Architecture
    – 10.30.17

    CALL FOR PAPERS | International Journal of Islamic Architecture

    Special Issue: Boundaries, Flows, and the Construction of Muslim Selves thr...Read more

  31. Structural Instability: History, Environment, and Risk in Architecture
    Department of Architecture, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania
    – 11.15.17

    Structural Instability: History, Environment, and Risk in Architecture

    Department of Architecture, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania
    April 5-7, 2018

    Abstracts due November 15, 2017Read more

  32. Evidence and Narrative in Architectural History
    Sharp Building, Room 327, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

  33. Reflecting on Techniques
    The Pipe Factory, Glasgow, Scotland
    06.08.17 – 06.09.17

    The Pipe Factory
    42 Bain Street, Glasgow, G40 2LA

    Thursday, 8 June, 5:20 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.
    Friday, 9 June, 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

    How is architecture not just productive of, but also formed by the various w...Read more

  34. Landscapes of Development Symposium
    Princeton University School of Architecture

  35. One Complex Situation: Histories of Observation in Architecture
    Princeton University School of Architecture

    Princeton University School of Architecture
    Friday, April 7, 2017
    Betts Auditorium, 10:00 a.m. to...Read more

  36. Architectures, Natures & Data: The Politics of Environments
    Estonian Writers' House, Tallinn
    04.21.17 – 04.22.17

    Architectures, Natures & Data: The Politics of Environments

    April 21–22, 2017
    Estonian Writers' House, Tallinn, Estonia

    Two themes stand out prom...Read more

  37. Newish Media: A Conversation with Lucia Allais and John May
    Harvard University Graduate School of Design

    Image (left): Walden (first digital scanned image, by Russell Kirsch/NIST, 1957); Image (right): Institut Geographie França...Read more

  38. The Historian and the X
    Princeton University School of Architecture

    The Historian and the X
    An Aggregate/Mellon Mini-Symposium on Historio...Read more

  39. The Struggle that is Democracy: Perspectives from Architecture and Urban Planning
    University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
    – 10.20.16

    A Talk by Ceasar McDowell, Professor of the Practice of Community D...Read more

  40. CFP: The City after Freddie Gray
    105th ACSA Annual Meeting, Detroit
    – 09.21.16

    The City after Freddie Gray: From Acquiescent to Heady Urbanism
    Topic Chair: Erkin Özay, University At Buffalo, SUNY

    A month before Freddie Gray's arrest, in an op-ed piece about Baltimore's Sandtown-Winchester ne...Read more

  41. Iconoclasm and Vandalism at the Getty Center
    Getty Research Institute
    – 10.03.16

    Iconoclasm raises contentious questions that transcend cultural and temporal boundaries. It can be understood as vandalism, destruction,...Read more

  42. Call for Abstracts: Issue 05 "Conflicts of Interest"
    ARPA Journal

    "Conflicts of interest" are said to compromise the impartiality of research, but what would it mean to be disinterested? Ethical codes warn us that researchers' objectivity can be corrupted by a clashing set of interests—those of funding agencies...Read more

  43. What Is the Urban?
    Iowa State University
    04.04.16 – 04.05.16

    What Is the Urban? Registers of a World Interior
    Iowa State University
    April 4 and 5, 2016

    The urban, long a popular topic of inquiry, has become an unavoidable condition for contemporary life. For many d...Read more

  44. Obsolescence in Architecture
    University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

    Obsolescence in Architecture
    A Lecture by Daniel M. Abramson
    Claire T. Carney Library, The Grand Readin...Read more

  45. "Publish or Perish"?: Disseminating Research in Architecture
    University of Technology Sydney
    03.22.16 – 03.22.16

    "Publish or Perish"?: Disseminating Research in Architecture

    Organised by Jennifer Ferng and Charles Rice

    9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, 2016
    Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building Read more

  46. Call for Papers | Anthropology and Architecture: Misplaced Conversations
    Architectural Theory Review 21.2
    – 04.04.16

    Call for Papers
    Anthropology and Architecture: Misplaced Conversations
    Architectural Theory Review 21.2
    Deadline: April 4, 2016

    According to anecdote, Claude Levi-Strauss hosted Le Corbusie...Read more

  47. Call for Papers | Olfaction and Preservation
    Future Anterior
    – 02.22.16

    Call for Papers
    Olfaction and Preservation
    Special issue co-edited by Jorge Otero-Pailos and Adam Jasper
    Extended Deadline: Monday, 22 February 2016

    Future Anterior publishes essays that ex...Read more

  48. Call for Papers: Animal Mineral Vegetable
    Architectural Theory Review 21.1
    – 12.31.15

    Call for Papers
    Architectural Theory Review 21.1 Animal Mineral Vegetable
    Deadline: December 31, 2015

    Animal, mineral, vegetable? For P...Read more

  49. New Website | Aquarius Redux: Rethinking Architecture's Counterculture
    University of Sydney, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning
    – 11.01.15

    The website for the 2016 symposium at the University of Sydney—Aquarius Redux: Rethinking Architecture's Counterculture—is now live at more

  50. Aggregate at the Chicago Architecture Biennial: Architecture and Inequality
    The Sullivan Galleries, School of the Art Institute Chicago

    Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative at the Chicago Architecture Biennial.

    Saturday, November 7, 2015, 9:30-11:30 AM
    The Sullivan Galleries, School of the Art Institute...Read more

  51. Call for Proposals: The Architecture of Capital
    Panel at the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco, CA
    03.29.16 – 04.02.16

    The Architecture of Capital: Rethinking the Geographies of Design in a Planetary Moment

    CFP for the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 29–April 2, 2016

    ...Read more

  52. Call for Proposals: Aquarius Redux
    University of Sydney, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning
    – 11.01.15

    Aquarius Redux: Rethinking Architecture's Counterculture

    4–5 July 2016

    Aquarius Redux seeks to revisit, reconsider, reimagine and expand histories of countercultural architecture.

    T...Read more

  53. Call for Submissions: ARPA Journal
    Columbia University GSAPP
    – 09.01.15


    "Instruments of Service" is a class of legally protected work products defined in the American Institute of Architects' "A201-2007 General Conditions" as "representations, in any medium of express...Read more

  54. Aggregate at CCA
    Canadian Centre for Architecture
    07.06.15 – 07.10.15

    The Canadian Centre for Architecture's 2015 edition of the Toolkit for Today Summer Seminar will take place on July 6–10, 2015. Aggregate has been asked to host a series of seminars for PhD candidates f...Read more

  55. John May: Field Notes from the Instruments Project
    Journal of Architectural Education

    Guest edited by Timothy Hyde, the latest iss...Read more

    The Chace Center, RISD Museum of Art

    A symposium presented by the RISD-BROWN Critical Design Research Initiative.

    Friday, April 24, 2015, 9:30–5:30 p.m.
    The Chace Center, RISD...Read more

  57. Reinventing the American Postindustrial City
    Journal of Urban History

    Special issue of the Journal of Urban History, "Reinventing the American Postindustrial City," guest edited by Read more

  58. Aggregate named one of Metropolis Magazine's 2015 Game Changers

    "Dissolving disciplinary conventions," David Huber writes, "Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative is preparing the grounds for a...Read more

  59. The Inaugural Detlef Mertins Lecture on the Histories of Modernity
    Columbia GSAPP, Wood Auditorium

    Wednesday, February 11, 2015 6:30pm
    Wood Audito...Read more

  60. We Can't Breathe
    Columbia GSAPP, Low Library Rotunda

    Friday, February 6, 2015 12:00pm
    Low Library Rotunda

    Kathy Boudin,...Read more

  61. 2015 Buell Dissertation Colloquium
    Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture
    – 01.12.15

    Call for Papers

    Submissions due: January 12, 2015

    The Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture invites submissions for its biennial Dissertation Colloquium, to be held on May 8–9, 2015, at Columbi...Read more

  62. Call for Papers: Architectural Theory Review 20.1 Terra Firma
    Architectural Theory Review
    – 12.31.14

    Editor Jennifer Ferng

    Deadline: 31 December 2014

    180 million years ago, Australia was once enmeshed as part of the Gondwanaland supercontinent, which included Africa, South America, and Antarctica. Early antiquarian m...Read more

  63. The Building, Symposium
    Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
    11.15.14 – 11.15.14

    The Building

    The Building, symposium
    Saturday 15 November, 9:30 AM to 5:30 ...Read more

  64. The Instruments Project: Princeton Conversations
    Princeton School of Architecture
    11.21.14 – 11.22.14

    The Instruments Project is a research project that examines the philosophical and historical dimensions of architecture's current technological predicament. Going beyond the usual view of architectural knowledge as hopelessly "instrumentalized," the p...Read more

  65. Call for Papers: OBSERVATIONS
    05.15.14 – 09.15.14


    Concepts of security are radically changing with the spread of the network society. Global trends such as smart cities and gated communities, as well as new technologies such as CCTV (closed-circuit television...Read more

  66. The Avery Review
    Columbia University GSAPP Books

    A Digital Periodical of critical essays on architecture

    The Avery Review is a new online journal dedicated to thinking about books, buildings, and other architectural media. We see the genres of the rev...Read more

  67. Call for Applications: Grants to Individuals
    Graham Foundation
    08.18.14 – 09.15.14

    Call for Applications: Grants to Individuals
    Deadline September 15, 2014

    The Graham Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2015 Grants to Individuals. Since 1956, the Graham Foundation ha...Read more

  68. Kapital Architecture | London Festival of Architecture
    London, UK
    06/03/2014 – 06/28/2014

    Kapital Architecture is a four-part public debate series exploring architecture through the lens of the 2014 London Festival of Architecture theme: Capital. It runs the 3, 12, 19 and 28 June.

    The series adopts four key concepts to examine ...Read more

  69. The Instruments Project, Workshop IV
    MIT School of Architecture + Planning, 10-105 (Vannevar Bush Room)

    Caught between technophilia and technophobia, the fields of architecture, landscape, and urbanism are unable to articulate the material and epistemic conditions under which they labor today. Architectural techniques and tools remain consigned to the ce...Read more

  70. Does Drawing Have a Future?
    MIT School of Architecture + Planning, 7-429 (Long Lounge)

    Just as voice-recognition and "informational shorthand" systems (text messaging, gestural typing, etc.) have radically reshaped the technical relationship between thinking and writing, "real time" machinic processes and simulations have now completely ...Read more

  71. Call for Abstracts: the ARPA Journal
    Columbia University GSAPP
    02.11.14 – 03.01.14

    The ARPA Journal
    Applied Research Practices in Architecture

    Research is everywhere. Architects incite action, design materials and archive cities. They capitalize upon the excess energy of practice to launch unsolici...Read more

  72. RESOURCE HISTORIES, Aggregate PLOTS Symposium

    03.27.14 – 03.28.14

    What new questions and methods emerge when architectural history engages resources such as energy, capital, information, and expertise?


    March 27, at 6:00PM
    Pratt Institute, Higgins Hal...Read more

  73. Call for Proposals: MANIFEST, Issue No. 2, "Kingdoms of God"

    02.03.14 – 03.14.14

    Call for Proposals

    MANIFEST, an annual independent print journal on American architecture and urbanism, is requesting text, project, and photogra...Read more

  74. Call for Submissions: BRACKET [takes action]

    02.15.14 – 02.28.14

    "When humans assemble, spatial conflicts arise. Spatial planning is often considered the management of spatial conflicts."—Markus Miessen

    Read more

  75. Industries of Architecture, Call for Papers
    School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK
    01.18.14 – 05.01.14


    11th International AHRA (Architectural Humanities Research Association) Conference

    13 – 15 November 2014, Newcastle University, SAPL, and ...Read more

  76. Bankrupt, Call for Presenters
    University of Michigan Doctoral Studies in Architecture and Urban Planning
    11.12.13 – 01.01.14


    Call for Presenters

    University of Michigan Doctoral Studies in Architecture and Urban Planning
    Triennial Graduate Student Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, April 4-5, 2014

    The Doctora...Read more

  77. Archiving Risk, Call for Papers
    UCLA Urban Humanities Initiative
    10.21.13 – 12.01.13

    Contributions from the History of Architecture and Urbanism
    is sponsored by the UCLA Urban Humanities Initiative and the ...Read more

  78. Aggregate Fall Conference and Website Launch
    The Daniels Faculty of Architecture at the University of Toronto
    09.20.13 – 09.21.13

    Aggregate is meeting with collaborators at the University of Toronto in September 2013 to launch our new web-based platform for the production, peer review, and multimedia publication of innovative scholarship. This online platform will advance the col...Read more

  79. Contribute an announcement