
  1. Call for Applications: Grants to Individuals
    Graham Foundation
    08.18.14 – 09.15.14

    Call for Applications: Grants to Individuals
    Deadline September 15, 2014

    The Graham Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2015 Grants to Individuals. Since 1956, the Graham Foundation has provided direct funding to individuals to produce publications, exhibitions, films, research, and other projects that foster the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society.

    As one of the few funders of individuals working on projects about architecture, the foundation’s grants provide important support for architects, artists, curators, designers, scholars, writers, and other individuals. The Graham Foundation offers two types of grants to support projects by individuals: Production & Presentation Grants and Research & Development Grants.

    To apply for an individual grant, applicants must submit an online Inquiry Form, the first stage of a two-stage application process, by September 15, 2014 at 5PM CDT.

    For more information about foundation grants and eligibility, please see the grant guidelines. To browse recently funded projects, click here.


    Founded in 1956, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts makes project-based grants to individuals and organizations and produces public programs to foster the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society.