
  1. Aggregate Fall Conference and Website Launch
    The Daniels Faculty of Architecture at the University of Toronto
    09.20.13 – 09.21.13

    Aggregate is meeting with collaborators at the University of Toronto in September 2013 to launch our new web-based platform for the production, peer review, and multimedia publication of innovative scholarship. This online platform will advance the collaborative peer interaction on which the group was founded and will open this process to broader participation by scholars and students, creating a public forum for research in architectural history and theory. A symposium on Friday, September 20 will be followed by workshops on Saturday, September 21. Made possible by a Connection Grant from SSHRC, the event is free and open to the public.

    Date: Friday, September 20, 2013
    Location: Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design
    University of Toronto
    230 College Street, Toronto, Room 103

    9:30 Welcome
    9:40 About Aggregate: Meredith TenHoor

    10:15 Neo-Naturalism: Zeynep Çelik Alexander (University of Toronto) & John J. May (University of Toronto)
    10:45 Response: Cary Wolfe (Rice University)
    11:00 Discussion moderated by Robert Levit (University of Toronto)

    11:20—Coffee Break

    11:35 Risk Design: Jonathan Massey (Syracuse University)
    11:55 Contradictions of Sustainability: Daniel Abramson (Tufts University)
    12:15 Response: Michelle Murphy (University of Toronto)
    12:30 Discussion moderated by John J. May (University of Toronto)


    14:05 Systems and the South: Arindam Dutta (MIT) & Ijlal Muzaffar (RISD)
    14:35 Response: Daniel B. Monk (Colgate University)
    14:50 Discussion moderated by Rodolphe el-Khoury (University of Toronto)

    15:10—Coffee Break

    15:35 Design Dictates or Social Orders: Towards an Alternative Architectural History: Pamela Karimi (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)
    15:55 Lithographies: Edward Eigen (Harvard University)
    16:15 Response: Matthew Hunter (McGill University)
    16:30 Discussion moderated by Mary Lou Lobsinger (University of Toronto)

    17:00—18:00—Open Discussion moderated by Zeynep Çelik Alexander


    For further details, please contact the Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative Email: Web: Twitter: @AggArchCollab